Kara is the oldest child, and only daughter, in our family. Some of her favorite things are music, happy people, friends,
family, her "babies", and anything she can do to be happy. She loves to play the piano and dance.
Kara's graduation pictures - we are very proud of you! (Aug. 03)
Kara (Oct. 2000)
Kara's official pageant picture - taken June 2001.
Another graduation picture.
Kara has an amazing talent for taking pictures. This is a picture she took at Jenny Lake, near Jackson, Wyoming (June 1999).
Kara auditioned for a pageant position in this dress (June 2001). She is very attractive! I'll find a better picture of
her face soon.
Kara's dance team performed to Austin Powers (May 2000). Dig that outfit!
In this area we might include links to the web sites friends or family members have created.